3 research outputs found

    Overview of sensors suitable for active flow control methods

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    Hlavným cieľom tejto bakalárskej práce bolo vytvorenie prehľadu vyvíjaných a už aplikovaných senzorov pre účely aktívneho riadenia prúdov. Senzory musia splňovať niektoré podmienky, preto výber senzorov bol naviazaný na reálnych výsledkoch testovacích programov, popis ktorých tvorí prvú časť tejto bakalárskej práce. Opis technológie a princíp fungovania senzorov je popísaný v druhej časti tejto práce.The main purpose of this bachelor thesis was to create the overview of the sensors developed for the future active flow control applications and overview the sensors already used in the active flow control applications. The sensors have to fulfil several requirements, so selection for the overview was based on the real flight test programs results, which were described in the first part of the thesis. The sensors technology description and operation principles were included in the second part of the thesis

    Overview of sensors suitable for active flow control methods

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    The main purpose of this bachelor thesis was to create the overview of the sensors developed for the future active flow control applications and overview the sensors already used in the active flow control applications. The sensors have to fulfil several requirements, so selection for the overview was based on the real flight test programs results, which were described in the first part of the thesis. The sensors technology description and operation principles were included in the second part of the thesis

    Analysis of a Sandwich panel under compressive loading

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    Hlavným cieľom tejto bakalárskej práce bolo navrhnúť vhodnú simulačnú metódu pre rovinnú šmykovú skúšku. Boli popísané rôzne typy porúch kompozitových panelov a rôzne prístupy k šmykovým skúškam. Boli navrhnute rôzne simulačne metódy pre jednoosú šmykovú skúšku. Na základe najdôležitejších kritérií, bol zvolený najvhodnejší návrh. Šesť experimentov bolo nasimulovaných v súlade zo zvoleným návrhom. Výsledky simulácii a výpočtov boli porovnané pre utvorenie korelácie medzi hodnotami a overenia správnosti simulačného návrhu. Na základe daného porovnania, takisto boli zistene skutočnosti ohľadom wrinkling kvocientov a platnosti rovníc pre výpočet crimpingu.Main purpose of this bachelor’s thesis was to design appropriate simulation of the in-plane shear test and confirm it. Types of the composite panel failures and approaches to sandwich tests were discussed. Several simulation designs were proposed. Best design has been chosen, based on important criterions. Six experiments were simulated with chosen simulation design. Results of simulations and analytical calculations were compared. Some findings about wrinkling coefficients and crimping equation validity have been taken, based on the results comparison.